There are MANY amazing charities today that are doing truly wonderful things and helping those in need. The SlyeStrong#6 Foundation loves partnering with different ones to help raise awareness, give back, and keep the momentum going.
This Easter we contacted the Fairy Godmother Project about providing “Baskets of Love” to 6 of their pediatric cancer families. With open arms, Andie was thrilled and had the perfect idea. The Fairy Godmother Project had recently created a new division within their charity called the Bereavement Group of 7 local families who, unfortunately, have lost a child due to cancer.
Andie then proceeded to tell us what we already knew, that unfortunately most of these families get left behind. When their child first gets diagnosed and continues through treatment, the community tends to rally support. But after a loss of a child, the support begins to wane then eventually stops, not because of cruelty, but because many people don’t know what to say or do. However, many times the families just want to talk about the one that just passed, want others around, want to know their child has not been forgotten. The Slye’s know this first hand all too well.
Without hesitation, the SlyeStrong#6 Board agreed that we would take on all 7 families and make sure they knew they and their loved ones were not forgotten. We set out to the stores with lists of different things each family liked. Some families were about to go on vacation so their baskets were filled with fun activities to do while, other families try to spend as much time outdoors with each other. Each basket had items that were specifically picked out for each family member. Some even had gift cards to grocery stores for a nice Easter meal, or visa gift cards to help with financial needs.
It is our goal to not only spread awareness within the community but to give back. Just because a cancer fight may have ended does not mean the wounds are healed. Putting a smile on a families face, even for a short time, lets them know they have not forgotten…they are not alone. To be able to share brings our hearts such joy. We are here to take care of and walk with each other.
Together we CAN make a difference.