Hello Ms. Slye:
Alma Morgan and I are forever grateful for the donation you submitted to support and fund our long-awaited field trip to the Wilson Workforce Center on September 30th. You may be aware that the trip was originally scheduled for March 24, 2020. Due to statewide mandatory shutdowns, the trip was postponed, and we were not able to reschedule it until May of this year. Eight people confirmed for the trip; however, four attended with a parent. With your generous gift, we were able to secure a twenty-eight passenger mini bus with an experienced driver to transport us and adhere to social distancing requirements. We stopped for lunch where the students and their parents continued to fellowship which proved to be an integral part of the trip. After lunch, we arrived at Wilson Workforce Center and were greeted by three exceptional tour guides. All were extremely impressed with the Center’s array of vocational trade stations, its classrooms, the dormitories, the cafeteria, and its beauty. Our questions were answered, and any concerns we had were addressed. The students who attended would like to attend the Workforce Center in the future to study welding, cosmetology, technology, and child care. They also agreed to participate in a three to five day evaluation. To date, all who attended have submitted applications with the Department for Aging and Rehabilitative Services (DARS) and have been assigned case managers where it is understood that attending Wilson Workforce Center is priority.
We thank you again for your generosity and support of our young adults. A picture of most of us is attached.
Michelle J.
Launch Project Coordinator
ASK Childhood Cancer Foundation